Sell Like A Copywriter
3-Week Live Workshop
Streamline your sales funnel and raise your rates
Position & pitch yourself like the pros do.
Too many copywriters under communicate the value they bring to clients and projects.
This means you miss out on opportunities, or even worse, leave money on the table.
Starts October 30th
This training is for copywriters who want to:
Feel Like A Professional
Know how to lead clients through your sales funnel with confidence.
Streamline Your Process
Simplify your message and the words you write to connect more quickly.
Raise Your Rates
Learn how to sell your process and send irresistible proposals.
Hear Honest Feedback
Get real-time feedback on your profile, videos, Discovery Calls, and proposals.
Professionals Have A Process
Copywriters are in high demand, and get paid top rates, but getting started and developing a simple process can be difficult. It's hard to pitch yourself and find clients when you're still finding your feet and developing your skills.
I'm Lisa and over the past 4+ years I've worked with over 325 clients and I've learned a thing or two like how to:
- Show up with confidence
- Organize high level ideas
- Streamline the copywriting process
- Deliver copy more professionally
- Charge expert rates
- Delight my clients and get repeat business
Too many copywriters under value their services. I'll show you how to show up like the expert, guide the process and close higher paying clients.
(Be quick, only 25 spots open for this last round.)
Copywriter Success Stories...
Jennifer Cunningham
Strategic Brand Copywriter
When it comes to setting up stages and processes in your copywriting business, Lisa is a true authority. It has been a game-changer to follow her advice on adopting a structured framework that keeps everyone on target, giving projects "friendly guardrails." It not only aids in my ability to produce more compelling content, but it also establishes the tone for the entire client interaction.
David Toflin
Website Copywriter
It's hard to bring clarity to your clients when you’re frustrated with expectations and processes. Not only did Lisa's systems streamline my process with the client and alleviate the stress of communication, but my writing also improved significantly from the time and direction I now had. Her systems don't just shape your business, they shape your writing. Lisa is not just a copywriting coach, she champions your gift set and takes your writing and business to the NEXT LEVEL.
Holly Fisher
Certified StoryBrand Guide
Lisa's guidance is critical in streamlining your copywriting business. Most copywriters are working solo, so you need those systems and templates in place.
Having the "business" items outlined and templated gives you more time to sell your services and create killer copy for clients. Follow Lisa's advice and watch your business grow!
Sell Like A Copywriter Workshop
This brand new training helps you develop a clear and simple marketing message that helps you cut through the noise and stand out.
Take a break from more copywriting courses, and invest learning how to sell yourself with confidence.
This 3-Week LIVE Workshop includes bonus trainings, personal feedback, templates, agendas, emails covering:
Module 1
How do Clients Make
Buying Decisions?
Understand how to position yourself in a way that makes it easy for clients to say yes.
- How to narrow down your niche
- Why clients pay more for a process
- The 8 questions clients ask before hiring
- How to pitch yourself on your website or profile
- Selling yourself with your portfolio
- Applying for jobs or responding to invitations
- How to stay in control from the very beginning
- Examples of clear and simple messaging for copywriters.
- Get feedback on your website or profile
- BONUS: Template for applying to jobs using Loom Videos
Module 2
Making the Sale on the Discovery Call
Never skip the Discovery Call. This is where you build the value and win over the client.
- Learn how to confidently to set up for the call
- Know how to prepare and set expectations
- Be clear on which questions to ask
- Uncover objections and get info for the proposal
- How to close the call and build excitement
- Watch recordings of live Discovery Calls with clients.
- Get live feedback on your Discovery Calls!
- PLUS: Walk away with a proven Discovery Call Script
Module 3
Sending Irresistible Proposals Clients Love
Learn how to powerfully (and quickly) close the sale with a clear and simple proposal.
- Create 3 tier pricing for your proposals
- Know the best timing for sending proposals
- Learn the key elements every proposal needs
- Record proposal walkthroughs with Loom videos
- Build urgency and excitement to get started
- Create an onboarding process that makes starting new projects seamless
- Get live feedback on your proposals and communication with clients
- BONUS: Get my actual proposals for 4 & 5 figure projects.
Pitch yourself like a professional and win higher paying clients!
Get a proven process to help you streamline your sales funnel and win higher paying clients.
Don't waste time trying to figure it out on your own, or stress about another project that didn't go the way you hoped. Get a proven (and repeatable) framework you can use to land your very next client.
Only 25 spots open for live workshop. Starts October 30th!